Here are quick links to the main topics on this page -- or just scroll down:
Is your knife LEGAL to buy, own, carry, or mail?
Click this link to find out.
Links to the
text of all U.S. state knife laws, with introductory essay
What are the knife laws in your state? Read the
statutes, and the case law.
Text of U.S.
federal switchblade acts
The laws governing interstate commerce and mailing.
federal switchblade acts, including notes and cross-references
Raw text from a law school website.
Legacy;" history of the 1958 U.S. federal switchblade ban, from Knife
Laws don't just happen. People
make them.
"Oppressive Knife
Laws;" essay from Blade magazine
Why do we have knife laws? What do they accomplish?
A "Pointless"
Story: Federal Knife Law At Sea
Complying with the law, circa 1866.
The Exify Expert Witness Directory.
My Knife Expert Witness Internet Business Card:
Is the knife you want ILLEGAL to buy, own, carry, or mail?
Click this link to find out.
What kind of knife is it?
When and where was it made?
Is it real or fake?
What is it worth?
Is it legal to own, carry, or mail?
Is your knife LEGAL to buy, own, carry, or mail?
Click this link to find out.
Is that knife on eBay real or fake, original or re-worked?
Only $5 per active item, $10 if completed. Find out BEFORE you bid.
Click this link if you have a knife question.
CUSTOMER FEEDBACK from my Knife Questions service
A few unsolicited comments. They say it better than I can.
KNIFE ORGANIZATIONS -- check their link pages, too
Oregon Knife Show - Oregon Knife Collectors Association
350 tables
at our 44th annual Eugene, Oregon Knife Show April 13-14, 2019.
Largest cutlery show west (and east) of the Mississippi River.
NCCA - Northeast Cutlery Collectors Association
Sarasota FL Knife Collectors Club
Southern California Blades Knife Collectors Club American Knife and Tool
List of my
knife BOOKS and articles Levine's Guide to
Knives and Their Values, 4th Edition, Table of Contents
Click HERE to read about and SEE the defects of the "5th" edition.
Still puzzled by 4th vs "5th"? Read this comparison review from Knife World magazine.
Click HERE TO ORDER autographed copies of my KNIFE BOOKS
List of OLDER
Knife World Publications
Knife World magazine
Knives Illustrated from Y-Visionary Publishing
Blade Magazine
(Caribou Media Group/F+W/Krause Publications)
THE ART OF THE CUTLER by Jean Jacques Perret (1771)
The Art of the
Cutler by Perret (1771) table of contents
Perret on Damascus
Perret on Pocketknife
Perret on the Arrangement
of the Cutler's Shop
Perret on Making
Veterinary Instruments
Perret on Sharpening
Stainless Blade
Steel - History Tungsten Carbide
for cutting edges - history, for Knife World
Jigged Bone for
Handles: Rogers Bone and Winterbottom Bone
History of
Michael Walker's LinerlockTM for
Knives Illustrated 1898 snapshot --
knife brands of the Klondike Gold Rush
The story of
Jack Knife Ben Making Pen Knife
Blades in Sheffield Making Files in
Sheffield Knives Made From Files? Files Made From Knives? Now Illustrated! The U.S. Army Bolo
of World War I The U.S. Marine
Corps Knives of 1942 Switchblade to
the Rescue - 1917
My background - how I got to be an "expert"
Frank Trzaska's U.S. MILITARY KNIVES site
African Edged Weapons: pictures and links
Thomas G. Lytle's Whalecraft site: harpoons, lances, spades, hooks, knives, etc.
Don Bull's Virtual Corkscrew Museum
Tony Hnilica's master index of knifemaking materials and suppliers
James Petzke's Knife Den -- reviews and commentary on the best contemporary knives
Peter Smid's observations and comments on the best everyday carry (EDC) knives
Matt Davidson's reviews and comparisons of contemporary pocketknives
Jacob Carlson's picks for the best knives on the market
Roberto Mazzarella's European perspective on knives, knife sharpening, and maintenance
Matt Keyes, the Pocketknife Guy, reviews and information
Edged Weapons information from Glenn Stock
Thomas Register of
ASM International formerly the American Society for Metals Engineering Fundamentals
Key to Metals
Key to Metals - Articles Index
Rockwell hardness
testing, introduction, for Blade
Hardness Testing, Buehler Instruments home page
Berger CNC grinders home page in Germany
+GF+ Electric Discharge Machines (EDM)
Gold Leaf Techniques Applied to Leather
Chemical Definitions of Resins
Machinist-Materials: Plastics Comparison Table.
Dangers of Celluloid knife handles. Picture of a deteriorated knife. Wood versus Plastic Cutting Boards
Marble Safety Axe Co. folder, with original sheath. Knife shown open.
W. R. CASE & SONS 6251 slot knife, unused. The other side.
CASE TESTED XX 5165 folding hunter, second cut stag.
Lockback folding hunter sold by R. C. Kruschke, Duluth, Minnesota.
3 knives made by Jack Craver, Stockton, California, circa 1910.
Three enamel handle pen knives.
Two more.
Plated fruit knife by Pairpoint Silver Co., New Bedford, Mass., c1880s.
Barnett pliers knife, patented 1900.
Pliers knife imported by Coles, circa 1960.
Ink erasers, from a 1915 catalog.
Three African trade knives made circa 1900-1925. Top: French. Bottom two: German.
F. Dick meat inspector's knife, pre-1914.
French Satanic dagger, marked Fait a Nancy en 1871 par Florian ROYAL.
Victorinox Swiss Army issue knife dated [19]43.
Table knives, butcher knife, and razor from 17th century still life paintings
Military fork (pole arm), Continental, c. 16th - 17th century Photos and text
Bowie knife by John D.
Chevalier, New York NY, c1849 Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3
California bowie knife by Michael Price, San Francisco, with engraved handle and sheath.
Bowie knife by Geo. Wostenholm & Son, Sheffield, c1860s-70s I*XL close up
Maher & Grosh bowie style hunting knife, circa 1898.
Royal New Zealand Air Force
WWII survival knife, also used by 1st Bn. 21st US Marines
Barr Bros., Oakland CA, USN
survival machete, carried by a pilot in VP71
See what I collect, other than knives.
Solingen, Germany
Sarasota FL Knife Collectors Club
Thiers, France - Musee de Coutellerie
Eugene, Lane County, Oregon
Any questions? or telephone 541-484-0294 (Pacific Time Zone)
Go to BERNARD LEVINE's Business Card
Visit the discussion forums that I moderate on:
Visit my occasional auctions on eBay
And for something just slightly different... Shakespearean
Insults for All Occasions {automated version}
Listings and Links for KNIFE MUSEUMS Around the World.
"California's Largest, Oldest & Finest Knife Show."
I had to write
them all down, because there were too many to remember.
How did I fit all this in a mere 512
pages? I still don't know.
Don't be fooled by "5th" rate imitations of Levine's Guide.
The 4th edition was the last legitimate edition.
Order autographed copies direct from me on-line or by mail.
Order knife books direct from KNIFE WORLD PUBLICATIONS
Largest selection of Knife Books on the Internet, new and out of print.
Lots of good
If you want
to do more than just read about knives...
I've written for Knife World magazine since 1978 >> Called Knife magazine since November 2015.
Order your own subscription to the full color Knife magazine.
I've written for Knives Illustrated magazine since 1997.
I've written
for Blade since it was called American Blade, back in 1974.
The finest knifemaking how-to ever
written. Translated from the French.
The "secret" of damascus was
never lost. Anyone with a library card could find it here.
A brief history of
chromium alloy steels used for knives.
Based on a series of interviews, and reviewed by Mike for accuracy.
What brands of knives were available on
the Northwest Coast in '98?
The most famous
knife dealer of the early 20th century, Ben Chon of the Chicago stockyards.
authentic 19th century account.
Another authentic
19th century account.
Read my article from from Knives 99, plus much more information.
We know what
they are, but how were they used?
Before the 1219C2 ("Ka-Bar"), the marines made do with what they could get.
Ocean liner torpedoed, tragedy averted. Plus a poem in praise of the switchblade
Huge website includes metallurgy, processes, data tables, calculators, more.
Another huge website, links to dozens of technical articles about metals.
Articles and searchable knowledge base on metals.
This article explains the basics.
Article by Dennis Ellingsen, from Knife World
One kind is dangerous, potentially deadly.
{closeup of RNZAF scabbard}
{the standard U.S.-made version of
this bail-out knife}
{closeup of the handle}
{Link to VP71 information page, with my
write-up on this machete}
Art by Kenneth D. Shoesmith (1890-1939).
Deutsches Klingenmuseum The German Blade Museum in Solingen.
Listings and Links for KNIFE MUSEUMS Around the World.
The French Cutlery Museum in Thiers.
Fabulous night life in
EUGENE, Oregon
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